Not a lot of publishers will gamble on producing art-themed games, but at EGG we love ‘em!
Here are eight “art-themed” games, with original MSRPs totaling over $270, that you can enjoy this holiday season with friends and family, for less than $100. Petite Pastiche, Musée, Fantastiqa, Rival Realms and Masters Gallery all feature worldwide classic artists and works licensed from the Bridgeman Art Library. Cubist and Games of Art feature more modern artists (including the great Cubist artists). And we have even thrown in a copy of Tag City – a game featuring sprayed graffiti tagging. Buy Cubist: Complete Bundle, Fantastiqa: Rucksack Edition, Musee, & Petite Pastiche: Complete Bundle
Get Fantastiqa: Rival Realms Complete Bundle, Games of Art, Masters Gallery, & Tag City For FREE!